Falling fuel prices and an accelerating economy provided a powerful boost to US car sales in December, helping to make 2014 one of the strongest years on record for an industry that five years ago appeared to be facing collapse.燃油价格大大暴跌以及美国经济增长速度减缓,有力提振了美国去年12月的汽车销量,这让2014年沦为有记录以来美国汽车行业展现出尤为强大的年份之一,而在5年前,该行业或许将面对倒闭。Sales across the industry jumped a seasonally-adjusted 13 per cent over December 2013, according to preliminary estimates from Chrysler, the US arm of Italy’s Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.根据意大利菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)美国分公司克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的可行性估计,去年12月美国汽车销量同比快速增长13%(经季节调整)。
Low interest rates, coupled with news in December that the US economy recorded its fastest growth in a decade at 5 per cent in the third quarter, also made consumers more willing to spend on new cars, analysts said.此外,分析人士回应,低利率以及12月美国经济袭港10年来最慢增长速度的消息,令其消费者更加不愿花钱购买新车。去年第三季度,美国经济快速增长5%。The importance of falling petrol prices was underscored by the fact that the biggest beneficiaries were carmakers with the strongest line-ups of more fuel-hungry pick-up trucks and sports utility vehicles.油价暴跌的重要性引人注目体现在这个事实上:仅次于的受益者是那些享有最多皮卡和SUV系列的汽车制造商,这类车型往往耗油更加多。
Sales in December for General Motors, the US’s largest carmaker by sales, were 19 per cent up year-on-year. Sales for Chrysler, which manufactures the fashionable Jeep SUV and Ram pick-up truck brands, were 20 per cent ahead of December 2013.美国销量仅次于的汽车制造商通用汽车(GM)12月销量同比快速增长19%。生产时尚的Jeep SUV和Ram皮卡品牌的克莱斯勒销量同比快速增长20%。December’s strong figures partly reflected the US economy’s general strength, but the fuel price fall was the “icing on the cake”, she said: “If you’re spending less on gas, you have more money in your household budget and you can put that towards a new vehicle.”12月的强大数据部分体现出有美国经济的整体强势,但汽车信息网站autotrader.com分析师米歇尔克雷布斯(Michelle Krebs)回应,燃料价格暴跌是“锦上添花”,“如果天然气开支上升,家庭支出就不会减少,可以用来购买新车。
”The average price for a US gallon of fuel fell to $2.30 in the week starting December 29, according to Washington’s Energy Information Administration, 31 per cent down from a year earlier and 37 per cent down from June’s $3.64 peak.根据华盛顿美国能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)的数据,自12月29日开始的一周,美国燃料价格平均值跌到至每加仑2.30美元,同比暴跌31%,较去年6月的3.64美元峰值水平暴跌37%。